The following is the basic pattern for building cantilevered structures with Pennies. Although it looks trivial, we can build amazing structures with these pillars. All penny columns are ten high, a "stack". Two side-by-side pennies held in place by a penny above them is called a "triad". Below is a stack with two triads resting on top.

Duplicate this structure and slide them together.

Carefully filling the space between with pennies, we create a one penny-span bridge.

Repeating the process by putting an extra triad on top of each stack, we can create a two penny-span bridge.

Although it looks weak, it will actually hold quite a bit of weight. Remember no glue or adhesive is used; only the compression weight of the pennies hold the structures together.

We can move on to a three penny-span bridge.

And finally to six and seven penny-span bridges. These are highly effective study-avoidance mechanisms.

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